Prices from
From Sileby
To Manchester
No booking fees!

*Based on a return fare.

Travelling from Sileby to Manchester by train

Book your train journey from Sileby to Manchester with East Midlands Railway, find out more about the journey and answers to all your questions below:

The time of the journey by train from Sileby to Manchester is on average 2 hours 52 minutes, but the fastest trains take around 2 hours 41 minutes.

Trains to Manchester from Sileby run up to 1 times per hour. The first train from Sileby to Manchester in a morning is 06:52 and the last train time is 20:54.

Sileby to Manchester by train: key facts at a glance

Average train time: 2h 52m
Fastest journey time: 2h 41m
First train: 06:52
Last train: 20:54
Origin station Sileby station
Destination station Manchester Oxford Road station

How to get cheap train tickets from Sileby to Manchester

Our Off-Peak and Super Off-Peak tickets are a great way to get cheap train tickets and save money on your journey from Sileby to Manchester if you don't need to travel at rush hour, and can be bought just before you board. Our app is the best way to buy last minute rail tickets, and most of our tickets can be sent to your mobile too.

Our tickets are even cheaper if you buy in advance. Plan your journey online and we’ll show you the cheapest train tickets for your chosen travel times.

If you want to save even more on your rail journeys you could save up to a third off every train journey with a National Railcard. Our Railcards page has more information on all railcard options.

Regular travellers can save with a Season ticket if they travel on the same train route from Sileby to Manchester at least three or four days a week. A Flexi Season ticket could help you save money if you’re travelling eight days in 28 days – you can travel any time between two stations, offering flexibility and savings when working fewer days in the office.

If you’re travelling as a group from Sileby to Manchester, why not check out our group tickets. We have a wide range of options to suit a variety of group sizes, whether travelling with your colleagues or a group of students. Visit our group train tickets page for further information.

If you’re travelling with your family from Sileby to Manchester, you can save money on the cost of your train tickets with a Family and Friends Railcard. To see how you can benefit benefit from a third off for up to four adults along with 60% off for up to four kids, head over to our Family and Friends Railcard page.

Looking for even more ways to save money on UK rail travel? Head over to our cheap train tickets guide for more information.


Travelling from Sileby to Manchester - what type of train tickets are on offer?

Travel by train from Sileby to Manchester in comfort and ease with a flexible range of tickets, each created to help you find the best option for your rail journey.

Advance tickets

Save money travelling from Sileby to Manchester when you book your rail tickets up to 12 weeks ahead of your departure. Typically, the earlier ahead you book the more you save. The Advance ticket type is often the go-to for pre-planned train journeys to Manchester. Advance tickets are available on our website, mobile app and from ticket offices. Find out more about Advance train tickets.

Super Off Peak and Off Peak tickets

Go from Sileby to Manchester and save on every mile with our Off Peak and Super Off Peak train tickets. Available on specified train routes outside of peak hours, these tickets are perfect for those that can be a bit more flexible with when they leave Sileby. Off Peak rail travel varies depending on route and location, so please check on our website, mobile app or from our ticket offices for eligibility. Find out more about Super Off Peak and Off Peak tickets.

Anytime tickets

Travel at peak times, in the afternoon, or late evening with an Anytime train ticket. You can purchase your own Anytime ticket at, well, anytime. Fancy a spontaneous trip to Manchester? Then the Anytime rail ticket is here to get you there. Either grab a digital copy via our website and mobile app or pick up a paper version from our ticket offices. Find out more about Anytime tickets.

What train ticket type is right for me?

If you’re a more frequent rail traveller, a season ticket will offer the most freedom and value. If you don’t travel via train very often, our online journey planner will provide multiple options for your journey from Sileby to Manchester, so you can choose the cheapest or best option for you.

Journey information from Sileby to Manchester

How much is a train ticket from Sileby to Manchester?

Take the train from Sileby to Manchester from just £31 one-way when you book in advancePlan your journey online to see the cheapest train ticket prices to Manchester for your chosen travel times.

What is the fastest train between Sileby and Manchester?

The fastest train between Sileby and Manchester is 2 hours 41 minutes. Use our journey planner tool to find the rail quickest journeys.

How long does it take to travel from Sileby to Manchester by train?

The average journey time by train from Sileby to Manchester takes 2 hours 52 minutes. Journey times may be slightly longer at weekends and on Bank Holidays. Check journey times on your travel dates with our online journey planner or download a train timetable .

How many trains a day are there from Sileby to Manchester?

There are up to 15 trains per day from Sileby to Manchester.

Are there any direct trains from Sileby to Manchester?

No, it’s not possible to get a direct train between Sileby and Manchester. Find the fastest route with our online journey planner.

What time is the first train from Sileby to Manchester?

The first train leaves at 06:52 from Sileby to Manchester. Buy your train tickets in advance online or from our app and avoid rushing on the day. Please note that train times and services may vary during weekends and Bank Holidays.

What time is the last train from Sileby to Manchester?

The last train from Sileby to Manchester leaves at 20:54.

When should you book your train tickets from Sileby to Manchester?

Booking your rail tickets from Sileby to Manchester in advance is recommended if you are looking to secure the best price. You can book advance train tickets from up to 12 weeks ahead of your journey.

What is the difference between first class and standard class on trains between Sileby to Manchester?

First Class tickets on trains between Sileby to Manchester typically offer larger, more spacious seats, quieter carriages, access to on-board refreshments and other amenities compared to Standard Class .

Can I book assistance for my train journey from Sileby to Manchester?

Yes, we offer Passenger Assist services at the station and on-board between Sileby and Manchester. We recommend booking at least 12 hours before you travel. You can book assistance online or by calling our Passenger Assist team on 08000 11 33 23.


  • Prepurchase collection
  • Ticket machine

Manchester Oxford Road

  • Ticket office
  • Prepurchase collection
  • Ticket machine
  • Toilets
  • Taxi-rank