Foxfield Railway

The Foxfield Railway is a steam railway situated in Blythe Bridge, Stoke-on-Trent.

The line was originally built in the 19th century to transport coal linking the Foxfield colliery in Dilhorne to the main Stoke-Derby railway line. Shortly after the colliery closed in 1965 the line was taken over by enthusiasts to run as a heritage railway.

Fun for all the Family

Our standard gauge steam train passenger service provides a 50 minute round trip through the stunning scenery of the Staffordshire Moorlands. Standard adult fare is £12-50 which allows you to travel all day.

We have what is probably the oldest standard gauge train in regular passenger service in the country - the Victorian Heritage Train - and a wealth of other attractions including:

  • Museum
  • Gift and model shop
  • Cafe
  • Real ale bar
  • Miniature railway
  • Garden railway
  • Afternoon Tea Trains
  • Special events throughout the year

How to get there

We are situated one-third-of-a-mile from Blythe Bridge Network Rail station which has direct trains from Stoke, Derby, Nottingham and Crewe.

Map showing how to get to Foxfield Railway

For tickets, timetable and details of special events visit Foxfield Railway.